Trip to the Zoo

Edmonton has a small, and slightly depressing, zoo. However, it’s being improved, and back in September we headed out to check on some of the improvements. The new seal habitat is pretty sweet, and they have great plans for further arctic enclosures, so hopefully it will be less guilt-inducing in the future. Isabelle was especially […]

Cold Snow and Hot Chocolate

We interrupt our irregularly scheduled program to add some pics of fun in the snow, and Isabelle’s first hot chocolate! Midway through the 10-25cm of forecasted snow for the day, I headed out with Belle to shovel the walk. Michelle joined us soon after with the camera while Elodie was napping, and we snapped a […]

House Wrecker

We’ve known for awhile that one of the houses across the street was going to be torn down, and finally one day, it was. It was pretty neat to see, actually. They started at around eight in the morning, and by the afternoon all that was left was a big hole. Guy and Shirley had […]

More Random Pics from the Summer

Just a few pics from trips to the market, Science World, and around the House.

Isabelle Eating Things

Not sure what else needs to be said.

Chalkboards, Potty Charts and Jumperoos

A few new things, as you flip through the pics below: 1. Chalkboard. We added a chalkboard to the wall in the kitchen. So far, Isabelle likes to scribble and play with the chalk dust, but we’re expecting the Mona Lisa in the coming months. 2. Potty Chart. Belle is basically potty trained now… Well, […]

Capital Ex

After our return from BC, we headed to the fair! CapitalEx (formerly known as Klondike Days, and to be known in the future as K-Days) was going on, so we headed out for the afternoon. We’d just been planning to take in the sights, thinking that Belle was too young to go on the rides, […]

Pics from the Summer

Just some pics from around the house, and some of Michelle’s knitting handiwork.

Dingo Snacks!

Below, are two pictures of our daughters in the exact same onesie and socks! Dingoes all over the world are working themselves into a lip-smacking frenzy. The interesting factoid here is that Isabelle is eight months old in this picture, which is when this onesie finally fit, and Elodie… well, Elodie isn’t even five months […]

BC Road Trip, Part 6 – Kelowna, Kalamalka and the Drive Home

While we did head back to Langley for a few more days before heading into the Okanagan, we covered that in earlier posts, so I’m skipping right to the drive. We left Langley early in the morning to meet our friends Kyle, Magda, Alex and Drew for lunch. We had a fantastic meal at a […]