Welcome Elodie (and Madeline)!

So here are the details of how it all went down! We’d been alerted to the fact that my sister and her husband had headed off to the hospital at around one in the morning on May 10th, so while we were focused on an imminent baby in Winnipeg, it turned out that Elodie wasn’t going to be left behind. At around 8:30am, Michelle started to feel some pretty strong regular contractions. I thought she looked exactly like she did when we had Isabelle, so I suggested we head over to the hospital. Michelle hemmed and hawed, but we headed off to the hospital. They eased just a little as soon as we got in the car, so Michelle decided we should head back, so we did. Michelle grimaced through more contractions at home, and I suggested we just head in and get checked out, but Michelle decided she should hop on the elliptical, to really get things going. She hopped on the elliptical downstairs and I took Isabelle to the playground to wait. Half an hour later, we got the call, headed home from the playground and off we went to the hospital.

While Michelle breathed through her contractions, Belle watched Sesame Street or wandered through the hospital with me until 3:30pm, when our friend Shaz picked her up. She spent the night hanging out with Shaz and Matt and their dog Zoe at our place (thanks SO much, guys!).

Around 4:00pm, the doctor broke Michelle’s water and at 5:50pm, Michelle started pushing. Elodie Reine Armstrong arrived at 6:19pm, weighing 8lbs and 7oz! We found out a little while later that Madeline Lou Gregson had arrived two hours and eighteen minutes earlier! Cousins with the same birthday!

Elodie’s name is pronounced just like “Melody,” but without the “M.” We picked it just because we loved it (and it helped that it’s French). Her middle name is pronounced like “Raina,” and she’s named for one the most beautiful places we’ve ever been, as well as for Michelle’s Norwegian heritage (through her mother’s side). Here’s a picture of Reine, Norway:

Anyway, back to the hospital. We spent a surprisingly restful night (at least compared to our first night with Isabelle!) in our room, and in the morning I picked up Belle for a quick trip to the playground, and then to the hospital to meet her new sister. We arrived around 11:00am, to find that we were cleared to head home! We introduced the sisters, then gladly headed home to find food, coffee and wine that had been left for us, courtesy of Alisa and Bryan (thanks, guys!).

Michelle folks had been planning to drive out that day, but on Thursday, as soon as they heard that Elodie was imminently arriving, they packed up the van and peeled rubber out of Langley. They spent the night in Kamloops and thus we able to arrive mid-afternoon, and instead of late that night, and the extra support was much appreciated!

As births go, everything went extremely well! We’re so grateful for the support and congratulations from all our friends and family, so thank you so much, and we can’t wait for you all to meet little Elodie!

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2 Responses to Welcome Elodie (and Madeline)!

  1. Rhonda Evans says:

    Thanks guys for posting the beginning and how exciting is it that Elle and Madeline share the same birthday! The pictures of Belle with her new sister are beautiful and they will be so close from here on. That is until they start taking each others clothes without asking! Fun years ahead! Love to all of you and can’t wait for my next trip to Edmonton. Love G3

  2. Julie says:

    I love that you were watching Ellen while on the elliptical! I also love that Elodie is here, I love her name, I love how precious she is, and I love that Belle is so grown up and adorable! Oh, and also…. and I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE Y’ALL THIS WEEKEND!! :)

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